once observed a Pianist, One Who passed by. The Pianist played a melody unheard of to my ear and novel to every vessel in my body. A tune that strung the chords of my organs, and ran its vibrations down the vertebrae of my spine. A song that captured consciousness of my limbs, and carried them in synchronous flow. My gaze was fixed in His direction, but unfortunately not locked - as my eyes swept along with the movement encapsulating the scene around which He played:
Some stopped and marvelled. Some were busied with the noise of people’s feet and chatter around to notice. Others were enchanted by the divinity that stirred. The room for them froze, and nothing but melody filled the space. Their busy schedules and pages of to-dos offered no importance in the presence of His ‘Something Greater’; captivity, marvel, utter peace, and infinite love replenished the emptiness they had spent a lifetime chasing to fill. Or perhaps chasing to distract therefrom. Some gave a glance. Some peaked with interest for a brief moment - upon realizing their change in pace, however, rushed back to join the tempo of the moving crowd. Some moved closer to the melody, but were pulled away by the pressure of belonging. Others found their hearts set-a-glow with the passing of every note. Tears of all-consuming rapture streamed along their cheeks, as the humility on their faces spoke: “more grand than all the reigns in the world is One Key on This Piano.” Their hearts, having undergone great ordeal and purification, sought out the Home of their souls. In some, questions and doubts remained. In others, loneliness daunted as they were left to take their first few steps towards Him, alone. Some laughed and pointed. Some quietly, but curiously, watched.
But the Pianist played the same melody for all, for His love and recognition of every listening ear varied not at all. In each one, He saw a universe of potential.
For those that stayed, they gathered. Drawing inwards and forming a circle, organically circumambulating around the Pianist as frequencies between the piano found harmony with those of the people around, and them with each other. A field of power so strong. Energetic frequencies growing with the climb of crescendoing notes. The formation of a web of unity. A web of awakening; a fortress of great potency. Souls listening, souls aligning their tune with His.
Regardless of the world’s goings-on the Pianist continued to stay put, there. Playing without pause. Untouched and unaffected by the atmosphere surrounding His Presence.
And He continues to play for all - regardless of how close or far they stand. Some will listen and dance, others may not hear a single note. But He remains there, playing; He is always there. For those that step closer, His Sound is heard more clearly; powerfully orchestrating movement to their choreographies. To those, His melody bestows eternal liberation.
But to passersby, He is merely the Pianist Who passes by.
Written By: Juliana Simoes-Dadgar
April 9, 2024