• For long I endeavoured to find a portal through which the stirrings of my heart could flow to others; a figurative place of freedom and individuality liberated from the limitations of social norm and agenda. Following multiple declined proposals to write for other sources, I took it as a sign that perhaps my beginnings must stem from its own roots (given, also, that my philosophies never perfectly fit with the motives of said external organizations).

  • The culmination of these confirmations prompted my heart to commence “Soul Set Free” as an outlet to release my spiritual meditations and reflections, and in hope that it may offer inspiration, insight, and an origin for contemplation by friends around the world.

  • I aspire that, one day, this platform may be a communal space of gathering and collective introspection - a springboard of ideas for the spiritual advancement of society whilst maintaining absolute focus on the unity of all its proponents.

  • May this become your space. May it evolve to no longer be a place associated solely with my identity or anyone else’s - rather it be a token of deliverance to the Oneness of Souls that connects us all. For truth is one, and so are we.

  • It is wholeheartedly encouraged to read and explore anything (including one’s own thought) with critical evaluation. I deem it vital that each of us adopt the obligation to independently investigate truth¹ for ourselves, whilst maintaining an open heart (it’s the tricky balance between the two that does wonders).

  • The power of intention is unmatched, and shines through clearer than day. If our intentions are pure and unsullied, so will our actions be perceived.

  • I warmly ask that we exchange ideas - whether verbal (in daily interaction) or through conversations taking place on any associated platform - with spirits centered on all-encompassing love, kindness, and fellowship for every creation. May words degrading to a single soul, demographic of people, or motivated with the slightest bit of distaste be entirely avoided.

  • Should temptation arise for the tongue to utter a mere word contrary to the above, I lovingly ask that you reflect upon its utterance and impact along the passage of some time. Consulting a friend could also shed light on a new perspective to its meaning, and the possible influence of one’s words. All in all, I champion you to be bearers of light and elevate the space to a degree unparalleled; where every word shed be a gleaming of light each more brilliant than the previous, directly from your soul.

  • I grew up a Baháʼí, and many of the outlooks I possess are actively shaped by the loving and unifying ways taught by the Baháʼí Faith. However, this site is in no way an official or affiliated site with the Faith, it is merely a glimpse into my own soul. Please visit https://www.bahai.org/ if you wish to learn more about the Teachings of the Baháʼí Faith.

  • To learn about the intellectual & spiritual background founding my present-day thought, please visit the “About” section. This enables a more “complete'“ capture of my psycho-social reality during upbringing, and consequently, a fuller picture of the perspective through which I currently convey.

  • Please don’t forget self-love (love for all of you).

  • Let’s give ourselves the opportunity to grow and embrace all moments of change. Every step is to be celebrated, and every triumph a milestone. The first was your existence in this world.

    Love and light to you, sweet soul! ✨

¹ The principle of independently investigating truth for oneself is among the central Teachings of the Baháʼí Faith.